
The Valley Isle Pt. 2

Maui By Night
The Caves at Waianapanapa (aka my morning shower)
The Lahaina Docks
 Jupiter Trail over Lanai
 A Waianapanapa Sunrise
 A Lahaina Sunrise
And of course, the Hipstamatic pics...
Veins and Valleys
Poor Fathead
Avo, Me & Mika
David doing what he does best.
Pam's new accessory.
On location, Lower Nahiku and the Honokolani Hale
Jordie at Upper Hanawi
The Falls and EMI road at Wailuaiki
Flying Low
Some closeups from the panaroma...


Catalyst, Casualty, & Comeback

L.A. FOREST (as of 10.06.27)




(more to come)


In The Loupe

While recently in Hawaii again, began a fun little project.  Using the iPhone4's Hipstamatic app, 
whenever a little critter would wander across my desk, I'd get them under the loupe and 
capture their closeup, using backgrounds from a variety of places; Life magazines from the 40's, 
phonebooks, and whatever attractive textures I could find.  It was pretty amazing to get so 
close to these creatures: to see the tiny gecko's lungs fill with air, the praying mantis meticulously 
groom herself, every eye of the banana spider as it spooled its silk. Even the common cockroach
 was a fasinating creature when I took the time to see the small details we'd usually prefer just to squash.