
In The Loupe

While recently in Hawaii again, began a fun little project.  Using the iPhone4's Hipstamatic app, 
whenever a little critter would wander across my desk, I'd get them under the loupe and 
capture their closeup, using backgrounds from a variety of places; Life magazines from the 40's, 
phonebooks, and whatever attractive textures I could find.  It was pretty amazing to get so 
close to these creatures: to see the tiny gecko's lungs fill with air, the praying mantis meticulously 
groom herself, every eye of the banana spider as it spooled its silk. Even the common cockroach
 was a fasinating creature when I took the time to see the small details we'd usually prefer just to squash. 


  1. By all means... keep those little projects going... I can´t tell you how gorgeous little creatures come alive with your lens.
    I´m a little creature...
    don´t squash me ....
    or do? ...
    Love ya.

  2. amazing garret.... everything is so beautiful in this world. thanks for taking the time to document them in such a funky cool way. :)

  3. love this series.. especially the one with the moth on the nose.. great job with the colors
